Einstein by Unknown

Einstein by Unknown

Language: eng
Format: epub
ISBN: 9781911420835
Publisher: Canelo Books
Published: 2017-11-14T00:00:00+00:00


Charlie came out of his trance shouting and kicking his legs. Einstein looked bilious, crept into a corner and considered rejecting his chicken breakfast. Geraldine, mercifully, had fallen asleep and seen nothing of the horror show.

The Deep Time Mariner stared at Charlie and a look of terrible disgust flickered across his face. He knew that everything he had heard about the monkey-men was true. They were the most dangerous species in all the charted galaxies. He had encountered many cantankerous beasts during his work on the ark. The tiger, the shark and the mountain bear. The scorpion, snake and venomous toad. But these large apes were crafty and cruel and deadlier than the rest of creation because they were, all of them, raving mad. Rattle-headed smatterers. Babbling jobernowls.

Their brains were too big for their bodies and at some time in their history these big soft brains had told them that they were gods and set apart from the rest of the living world. And because they were gods among animals they came to believe they could disregard the natural laws that govern life and invent their own laws and make the world spin forward or backward, as the madness took them. They had also given themselves the authority to kill, mutilate, imprison and persecute every other species on Earth, including themselves, especially themselves, in vast numbers and with the greatest enthusiasm. Hatching monsters from hens’ eggs was only one more crime in a long list of crimes against the universe to be perpetuated by these master torturers.

‘What was your part in this crime?’ he demanded, kicking at Charlie’s chair with a heavy, armour-plated boot.

‘None! I had nothing to do with it!’ The chair capsized, spilling him to the floor where he crawled around on his hands and knees, searching for a place to hide.

‘Don’t lie to me, you miserable ape!’

‘I did nothing!’ Charlie yelled, trying unsuccessfully to shelter under a little table. ‘You were there with me. You saw what happened.’

Geraldine woke up with a squawk and frowned at her scuttling son. She was stupid with sleep. She had been dreaming of new curtains. She yawned and combed her fingers through her dusty, wind-blown hair.

‘I didn’t know they were breeding monsters,’ Charlie insisted, seeking the dubious sanctuary of his mother’s phantasmagorical skirt. Geraldine, fearing another fall, tried to whisk him away with her hand.

‘But you were involved,’ the Mariner growled, pacing the room. ‘You were told of these things by the dwarf ape Pangloss and yet you did nothing to hinder him.’

‘What could I do against him? I was in no position to change anything. I wasn’t to blame for it.’

A cactus exploded, firing its bristles at the window. Einstein barked and scratched at the door.

‘You’re all to blame!’ the Deep Time Mariner thundered, snatching up Charlie’s abandoned chair and punching it into splinters with a blow from his mighty fist. He still needed to take the dog to the ark and he knew that Einstein would go nowhere without


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